ATN Bank Account Was Hacked

If you are not on Facebook, you may not already know that our All Things New business checking account was emptied by a person who hacked our Facebook account. I still do not know exactly how they did it, but after hacking my (Matt) personal account, they took over our business account and setup a new profile. With that profile they systematically began taking larger and larger ACH charges out of our checking account and into their Facebook account until they wiped it out.

It's important to note that however you are currently giving to ATN will not be affected by this. We changed our checking account information and any money given to ATN now will go into this new checking account. It does not affect giving online, through PayPal, recurring donations, bill pay donations, or physical checks sent to our address.

We were never warned of any strange charges by our bank, and we are still not sure how they requested ACH transactions from our account.

We found out about the breach late Thursday night and subsequently had a meeting at the bank, filed a police report, and filed a report with the Federal "Internet Crime Complaint Center." We are not sure how this is going to end but we are exhausting all of our resources.

To date, we have recouped a portion of what was taken from us but we are far from getting it all back. In total we lost almost $20,000 and have so far recouped around $7,000. We are continuing to work with the authorities to recoup the rest.

We would greatly appreciate your prayers that this situation would be resolved. We send money down to Haiti at the beginning of every month, and this theft is making it very difficult for the month of June. 

If you would like to help us now while we continue to work towards getting this money back, we would greatly appreciate it. We are really hoping to get all of the money back soon, but while we are waiting things could get very difficult. You can Click Here to get to our online giving page or Click Here to get to our website giving page for our address.

We are also trying to figure out how to handle the All Things New Facebook account but for now we are still putting updates on it. If that changes, and it may, we will let you know.

I know this is crazy and disheartening news, but we are hoping the story will have a good ending. If you have any ideas of things we should do to try and get our money back we will listen! Also, stay tuned for future blogs/emails whenever there are updates on this story. Thank you for all that you do, and please do not let this be a discouragement to you, GOD is still in control!

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