ATN Grants!
Today’s blog post is mainly asking for help in a specific area for All Things New! Recently, we have had a volunteer who has stepped up and offered to try his hand at grant researching/writing for our organization. If you have ever worked in the nonprofit world for any amount of time, then you know what type of work this involves and it is time consuming and can be difficult. So, first of all, thank you Bob Kleuppel for agreeing to step in and fill this gap.
The main purpose of this email, however, is to ask if anyone in our support system has any connections (however vague) to any foundation, service club, charity, company with funds available to give to a 501c3 organization, or any other entity that we could approach in this way. It is much more feasible to obtain funding if there is a previous relationship/connection to a foundation or business and we are asking for your help in this matter. Please take some time to think about what relationships you may have with people who work for or lead these types of organizations.
All Things New is fortunate in that we have not and will not rely on foundations, companies, or governmental grants to operate, but it is definitely worth the attempt as we continue to branch out into new areas of ministry. If you have any of these types of connections, please let us know and help us to make our first attempts at grant writing a success. Thank you in advance.