ATN Teams
Many of you receive our email communications and have seen the new Team structure that we are in the process of beginning at All Things New. In fact, we have had more feedback and responses from these emails than any other email we have sent out and we greatly appreciate your desire to help us moving forward. Hopefully this is not overkill, but I wanted to post a brief blog about the new Team structure just in case there are people who receive and read our blog but do not receive our email communications (if this is you and you want to sign up to receive our emails just click this link).
All Things New officially incorporated in the state of Florida a little over 4 years ago and GOD has greatly blessed our ministry in many ways since then. As a new organization, we started with a small board of mostly friends and family members and we relied heavily on a small group of people that we called our “Advisory Team.” This team was made up of our first and most active supporters and they really helped us get to the place we are today. Over the past few months, it has become clear that it is time for All Things New to reorganize and grow the organizational side of our ministry. There are many talented people that love and support our kids and this ministry and our hope is that you will help to bring a new and fresh perspective to the way we operate. We have added 3 people to our board during the first 4 months of 2017 and we already have 3 other potential board members that we hope to bring on in May. This will give us a new depth of leadership and we have already added people with expertise in nonprofit management, fundraising, and Haiti. We believe that GOD is going to use this restructuring for His glory and to increase the ministry He has already blessed so richly.
At the end of this paragraph, I will list each of our new teams and I will provide a link that briefly describes the function that we hope each team plays for All Things New. We have already begun to contact people to ask them to serve on some of these Teams, and we will continue to contact people over the next few weeks. We would, however, prefer you to contact us and tell us which team would best suit your passion and skill set. Please take the time to click on the links below and learn more about the new ATN Team Structure: