ATN Winter Meet-Up 2023!
Rather than a blog this week, I have an invitation for the ATN Winter Meet-Up on Friday January 27 at Hampton Glen Clubhouse from 5:30-7:30. If you joined us for our October Meet-Up it will be similar to that except in the Winter and with Hot Chocolate, and let's be honest, everything is better with hot chocolate! Here is the invitation:
If you are still reading, I want to make sure to invite you to the fundraiser as well. Here is the information that you need to know:
If you are familiar with ATN and know you will be attending, here are some early links to purchase tickets, register as table captains, or be an event sponsor (there will be a lot more info coming out soon!):
- Tickets are $75/each: Purchase Them Here
- Table Captains pay $500 for a table and then recruit people to fill the seats: Purchase A Table Here
- Event Sponsorship (including a table of 8 and advertising on ATN social media) is $1,000: Become an Event Sponsor Here
- If you already know you are not in Jax on March 4: Donate to the event here