Christmas Party

I know it is almost February, but we are having our All Things New Christmas party tomorrow!

Now, before I get started with the rest of the blog, I want to make sure everyone is aware of the 2 fundraising initiatives we have recently begun as we target different audiences with each.

  1. A sponsorship drive.  We are asking all sponsors and supporters to actively recruit new people to join our sponsorship program.  We are hoping to get all of our children fully sponsored!  Click here to learn more about sponsorship and to join our program.  This is for people looking to get more involved with ATN for the long-term.
  2. A Crowdfunding Campaign.  With the transition we are going through now, we are in need of new beds and mattresses for the children.  Click here to learn more about our crowdfunding campaign.  This is for people who are looking to give a one-time gift to help us and our children.

Now that I got business out of the way, let’s get back to the party.  The kids are so excited about the party tomorrow and it is really funny.  Even the older boys just keep asking me when they are going to get to see their gift, when is it coming.  Just to fill you in, we allowed the kids to ask for bikes for Christmas this year and 23 out of the 29 kids who will be receiving gifts asked for just that.  We currently have 23 bikes sitting in the Christianville garage and none of the children have seen them.  They are all extremely worried that I have forgotten or that I have not been able to go in and get the bikes but they also know that we said that is what they will get.  The older kids are probably about 95% sure they are getting a bike and the younger kids are still pretty worried/excited.  It is really funny.

Today, I went in to hang out with the younger girls, and they were actually playing a game they called, “fet noel” or “Christmas Party.”  They were pretending to bake cakes, cook chicken, sing, dance, ride bikes, and every other thing that we will do at our party tomorrow.  It was really hilarious.  The kids, at every Christmas party, put on a program that includes solos, group songs, group dances, some kids tell jokes or read poems, and there is always a DJ.  I am pretty sure Herbison is our DJ this year.  Anyway, I just wanted to share what we are about to do tomorrow and I know there will be a lot of pictures very soon.

One of the hardest things for me, the kids, and especially Jess is that she will not be here.  The kids keep asking if I am going to video this, take pictures of that, and FaceTime Jess in so that she can be a part of the party.  It is one of the other difficult things about the position we are in.  As much as I miss being at home with Jess and Sophie, Jess misses being here with me and the kids and being a part of what goes on here.

I know that you are going to get a lot of pictures, and our kids are going to get new bikes and for some of them it will be their very first!  Please continue to be in prayer for our family through this transition.  There are some difficult things that we are having to deal with through it and we appreciate your prayers.  Also, please continue to be in prayer for our employees (many of them were scared that they would lose their job when we moved) and our children and the transition they are going through.  I will be posting another blog soon about how awesome the party was and we will have a lot of videos and pictures to share.

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