Fleeing Gressier...Again

Things in Haiti have gotten even more difficult, and our kids are now trying to find a new place to go. We were hoping to find something for the next 3 months hoping that the conflict in Gressier would blow over by then, but we have not been successful so far.

There are gunshots most nights, one of the gangs destroyed the rest of the police station in Gressier, and more and more people are fleeing the area. The place we went last time is no longer available, so we are left trying to figure it out.

Gina found a place, but when they found out the kids in our orphanage were not little ones but teenagers instead, they decided they did not want us there anymore. Some of our girls found a new place, but our boys are still stuck in Gressier for now.

The bottom line, things have gotten bad enough for us to try to move the kids again. This, of course, will increase our expenses. I know that many of you have already given more and sacrificially to help our ministry, and we are so thankful! If you can do so again to help us be ready to pay rent at a new place over the next 3 months (this will probably cost us in the $1,500 - $2,000 price range for all of our kids) we would greatly appreciate it, and here is how:

 - Click Here to give online.

 - Click Here to get to our "Donate" page to find our address.

I also wanted to give you a quick update on what is happening in Haiti right now. The Kenyan police have started landing in Haiti to help try and get the gang situation under control. There are currently 400 Kenyan police officers in country, but there has been very little word on whether or not that is helping.

A new government was recently formed in Haiti, not through any type of election, but a new Prime Minister was sworn in and new cabinet members were appointed. This is a transitional government, but the people chosen for leadership are a little questionable and the gangs that have been wreaking havoc on the country are adamant that they deserve a place at the table moving forward.

The landing of the Kenyan police in Port Au Prince probably has a lot to do with the increased violence in Gressier and other places outside of the capital city. The gangs see this as the path of least resistance and seem to be doing more damage outside of Port Au Prince right now when it used to be a little more localized. This is not good news for us.

I really want to be the bearer of good news at some point, but as far as Haiti is concerned right now, that good news is difficult to find.

Our kids continue to be taken care of, and that is thanks to you. Having 3 meals every day and a somewhat safe place to live is definitely not the norm in Haiti right now. It is a war zone, and the average person in Haiti is suffering in ways that have not been well communicated at all. Please continue to pray!

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