Get Involved: Prayer

The best way to get involved with All Things New is by praying!

To many people this may seem counterintuitive because it can seem like our biggest needs are money, supplies, employees, etc.  There are times when I get caught up in that line of thinking as well.  Some of the biggest stressors related to ATN are financial, employee related, or cultural and sometimes these things take a huge place in my mind.  However, when the sons and daughters of GOD begin to pray in faith together, good things begin to happen.  Biblically, historically, and from personal experience, when GOD’s people pray, GOD begins to work.  

The truth is, we could probably accomplish a lot from a human perspective on our own.  We could probably take care of our kids and do some community ministry and it would probably look like we are moving forward and doing some pretty good things.  But here is the real question:

Who can accomplish more, GOD or us?

When this is our perspective, things change quite a bit, and at the center of these changes we find prayer.  I do not mean that when we pray GOD always gives us exactly what we want.  But when we pray and listen to GOD…

He leads us where He wants us to go.  

For instance, when All Things New started we prayed very consistently that we would be able to find and purchase land.  Well, that was 4 years ago, and we still have not purchased land nor do we have plans to purchase it.  Through prayer and seeking after GOD, he made it clear that purchasing land and building would do little more than build the name “All Things New” while doing very little to extend His Kingdom and His Name in our community.  On the other hand, if we were to offer jobs and bring people in to take care of our children, we would be doing exactly what GOD called us to Haiti to do.  Would it have been easier to hold off on hiring employees and saving the money to purchase land and build…Yes.  But through prayer, GOD revealed that it was not His will for that to happen.

When we spend time praying for GOD’s will, He sometimes leads us down difficult roads.  The best thing about that is that when GOD decides to accomplish something, He will, and the best thing we can do for any aspect of our life is to pray and listen to GOD.  We are so thankful to have Karen Whalen and Christy Skinner leading our 2 Spiritual Teams (1 in Jacksonville and 1 in LaGrange).  The focus of these 2 teams is to lift All Things New up in specific, faith-filled prayer and to help us make sure our focus is always the first phrase of our mission statement:

“All Things New exists to worship Jesus Christ…”

If you are interested in getting more involved with the teams that are leading this aspect of All Things New (or if you live somewhere else and want to start your own team), just go to our contact page and let us know.  If you want to know some specific ways that you can lift us up in prayer, just click here.  One of the best things you could do is to help us get the word out.  Share this blog on Facebook and Twitter, tell your friends about us and ask them to be in prayer, or add All Things New to your church or Sunday School prayer list.  The bottom line is that we believe that only through prayer and relying on GOD will accomplish His will…Whatever that may be!  

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