Haiti has our Heart

I was just talking to a friend of mine that I haven’t talked to in a while, and we were just catching up a little, and of course the subject turned to Haiti.  I started telling him about how much work we had done, how much more work we still have to do, and then the unknown of what it will take to make this orphanage recognized by the Haitian government.  I told him that we probably should take the amount of work we have done here (on a legal/organizational level) and multiply it by at least 3 and that is what we will have to do in Haiti.  At that point, he told me something that seemed profound to me (probably without even thinking about it).

He said, “At least you will be in Haiti then.”

It was at that point that I began picturing us (Jess and I) in Haiti with our kids (both our children that will be coming home soon from Ethiopia and our kids at the orphanage).  I realized that Haiti has our heart.  There are some really tough things that we are about to face.  We will be Leaving our family, leaving the comfort of our home, relying on others for our means of survival, Jess leaving the job/school that she loves, and me leaving a church family that has been so good to me.  But when I pictured us in Haiti, I was just excited.  Everything else seemed to disappear for a moment when I pictured being down there and being in the place that GOD has called us to be.  Things are getting more and more real, and Jess is coming to the end of her job, but the excitement of being down in Haiti where GOD wants us is such an incredible thing to imagine.

It is a wonderful feeling to know that you are in GOD’s will for your life, and Haiti has our heart because GOD wanted it that way!

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