Heading Back to Haiti…Again

This blog is to let everyone know that we will be leaving for Haiti in a couple of days and our plan is to stay until the beginning of summer.  For the past couple of months, we have been focusing on fundraising and organizational goals for All Things New and we have been learning how to live as family of 5 with the addition of Ezekyal.  I would not trade these past few months for anything.  It is so different when a child joins your family at the age of 5 months, I cannot imagine how difficult the transition must be when you adopt older children.  But we are packed and ready to be back and spend some time in Haiti and with our kids.

If you have been reading our blogs, you also know that we are going back to start some exciting initiatives in the way of job creation and planning for the future of our kids (click here to read the most recent blog about this).  You also know that we have our annual Jacksonville fundraiser coming up and you can click here to learn more about this event and to register to attend on Friday March 1 at Deerwood Country Club at 6:30 pm.  The Bush Family will be in Haiti during this event and we will miss seeing you guys and being a part of the evening, but we will get to FaceTime into the event with the kids and give you a chance to see and hear from them a little.

The real reason for this blog, however, is to ask for prayer.  Going back down is always stressful for a lot of reasons, but taking 3 little ones (Sophie is 3, Elijah will be 2 soon, and Ezekyal is 8 months) makes it even more so.  Please just pray for peace for our family, and then continue to pray that these new initiatives are as successful as we believe they can be.   If you have been a part of ATN since the beginning, then you know this is the next logical step for us to make and it could truly be a life-changing one for our kids and our community.  Stay tuned for a lot of updates Haiti side over the next few weeks and months and thank you for everything that you do for us and our kids!

Finally, on a very personal note, we really need you to pray for our visa situation with Ezekyal.  The first visa he received was a temporary Visitor Visa that will expire as soon as we return to Haiti.  We will then reapply for a new (and hopefully longer) visa that we hope to receive while we continue to move forward with adopting him in Haiti.  If we are not able to acquire this visa then we will wait in Haiti until we are able to travel back with Ezekyal again, so please keep us in your prayers with this process.

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