New Videos Posted

Hey guys, this blog post is for only one reason…To show you the new videos added to the website!  The first video is our official All Things New video.  It is exactly what we were hoping for and was done by Visual Power Cinema (John and Angel) at no cost to All Things New.  Please check them out if you are in need of videography in the Jacksonville area.  As you will see, the video is top notch!  You can click here for the video page or just check it out below:

The other video is our official One Spark video.  We really need for all of our Jacksonville supporters to get behind us on this one.  One Spark will take place from April 9-13 and we really need you to come downtown and support us for this event.  For more information, click here.

Hopefully you enjoy the videos!  Look for more to come in the future.

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