Our First ATN Team Meeting
We had our first All Things New Team meeting yesterday! If you have been keeping up with us through either blogs or email (click either of the link to sign up to receive our communications) then you know this has been a real focus for ATN since January and this is the next step in the process. Over the next few weeks (including our LaGrange Team tomorrow evening) 5 out of 6 (Spiritual, Finance, Development, Haiti, and LaGrange) of our teams will have their initial meeting and we will see where GOD leads us after that. It is also important to note that if you signed up to be on our Marketing/Social Media Team, we have not yet pinpointed a leader for that team and therefore we have not yet scheduled an initial meeting. As soon as we have a leader for that team, you will be contacted! Finally, if you are interested in joining us in this new aspect of our ministry, please contact us and let us know and we will put you in touch with the team leader.
Last night, I met with the Spiritual Team that is lead by one of our new board members, Karen Whalen. It was a great meeting and we had a chance to talk about what the Spiritual Team would do for ATN. Many organizations have a finance committee, a development committee, and a marketing committee and we are able o use the wisdom that others have gained by utilizing these teams in the past. However, there are not that many organizations who use a Spiritual Team. Our Spiritual Team is going to be in charge of ensuring that ATN never loses its way and never focuses on things at the expense of following Jesus. Since the inception of All Things New, our mission statement has not changed. The first phrase of our mission statement is this:
“All Things New exists to worship Jesus Christ…”
With that mission in mind and our desire to follow Christ in all that we do, our spiritual team is vital. They will focus on praying for our organization, recruiting others to pray for our organization, and coming up with ways to ensure we are always focused on Jesus Christ. With our focus on child care, poverty alleviation, job creation, etc. it could be easy for us to forget about why we exist in the first place (to worship Jesus Christ) and we never want to allow that to happen. Thank you Karen, Mark, Chris, Ashley, Natalie, Jared, Kristi, Eddie, and Phillip for being willing to help us in this way. Remember to contact us if you are interested in joining, and I cannot wait to be able to give updates about the wonderful work of the Spiritual Team in the future.