We need prayer! I cannot stress that idea enough. As we are getting ready to begin fundraising and working towards a move to Haiti and all of these things come to a head, the one constant is our need for our Savior/our GOD. It is really funny (actually more sad than funny) how quickly I can begin to focus on logistical issues and forget about prayer. What is it about us that we think we should do things on our own? I think about the fact that I have an all-powerful Heavenly Father who desires to work through me and give me His power and I just go right along with my life. This is mainly a reminder to myself – The God of the universe is my Father! Rely on Him, He is stronger than you. Talk to Him, He wants a relationship with you. Love Him, He has given you everything and He loved you enough to die for you. That I would trust in my God with my life not just my words.