The Greatest Advisory Team Ever

If you ever decide to start a non-profit organization, and especially an international orphanage for the first time…I have 1 really big piece of advice for you – Get a Great Advisory Team!  

It is so clear that GOD put this team into place because we could never have gotten such a wonderful group of people on our own.  This is our advisory team:

  • Mark and Karen Whalen, Bill and Mike Bush, Phil and Jill Atter, Amy Kelley, Chase Covington, Natalie Nobles, and Debbie Speaks.

It would be really difficult to explain how much they have meant to us in this process, but the greatest compliment I can pay them is that it has been absolutely clear that they are starting this orphanage just like Jess and I are.  We have never felt alone, in fact, when we leave our advisory team meetings we are so excited.  We have this renewed sense of purpose and knowledge of what we need to accomplish next.  It has just been amazing.  And I have never doubted that GOD brought these exact people into our lives at the exact right time and in the exact right way.  And that is how our Savior works!  He does not leave us alone to accomplish the tasks that He leads us to.

We will always be so thankful for this group of people, and neither Jess nor I could ever truly put into words what these guys have meant to us.  But we do know these 2 things:
1.  We wouldn’t be where we are without them.
2.  They are a gift from our Savior to make this ministry and orphanage happen.

Thank you guys!

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