The Past Week
This post is a couple of days late because someone apparently cut the Internet cable down the road from us and we have not had Internet for the past week. We have it now, so we will try to keep the updates coming!
As you may know, we have been back in Haiti for 1 week and we are starting to get back into a “Haiti” routine. Putting 3 kids down for bed just in time to let the other kids in for service by 7:45 has proven to be quite difficult. The rest of the week has consisted mainly of one of us watching the kids while the other 2 putting things away, getting the house set back up, and anything else that needed to be done to get ready for our time here. It has been really good seeing the kids and getting to spend some time with them as well as spending some time with some of our employees. I was surprised at how much some of them had grown, but the 2 that had grown by far (at least to me) the most is Maekin and Zalex.
The week has been a little more difficult because Sophie was diagnosed with Strep Throat on the Wednesday before we left which meant all 3 had to start antibiotics right before the plane ride. Since we have been here, each of the kids have had at least 1 night of bad coughing and 2 of the 3 (Sophie and Elijah) have each had some stomach issues. It seems like everything is calming down now, and we were thankful to have Jessica’s Mom through this part of the trip. Please keep our kids in your prayers. As you can probably imagine, having 3 babies down here is one of the most difficult aspects of living and ministering in Haiti. Also please be in prayer for Ezekyal’s Visa status in the short term and the national adoption we plan to complete in the long term.
The best part of the past week has been the simplest thing…Just hanging out with our kids. So far it seems like Elijah loves Son Son, Sophie is enjoying playing with Tilene and Samara, and Ezekyal really just wants his Mom. On another note, 2 of the things that people have said to me so far are, “Matt has sure grown a lot” (they did not mean taller) and “Your hair is changing color.” The first by one of our House Moms and the second by Heworlson. They are nothing if not honest! Please continue to pray for our time here in Haiti and for the teams that are coming starting this Thursday and then coming pretty steadily until the beginning of April. We have a lot of things to accomplish and we need your prayers, your support, and your encouragement to continue.