U.S. Embassy: Americans Should Leave 'As Soon As Possible"

You may have seen this in the news recently. The U.S. Embassy issued a "Security Alert" to American citizens in Haiti about flight options out of the country. The first line of that security alert read:

"Given the current security situation and infrastructure challenges, U.S. citizens in Haiti should depart Haiti as soon as possible via commercial or private transport."

The alert mentioned above could mean a multitude of things, including (and probably most likely) nothing. It could mean absolutely nothing other than things are still dangerous in Haiti.

Of course the rumor mill in-country and with people who have ties to Haiti immediately started. People assumed either something big had just happened or something big was about to happen. On pages that I keep connected to, people began to assume that the Embassy was trying to evacuate Americans so they could send in troops.

Here are some recent articles from American news sources:

 -  USA Today

 - The Hill

 - Miami Herald

 - Fox News

 - CNN

The bottom line is this: Haiti is still very dangerous. It is dangerous for everyone there and especially those in and around Port Au Prince.

Haiti is very expensive. Things are infinitely more expensive now than they were, and especially staples that every Haitian needs. People are truly starving and as the chaos continues things will get worse for the average Haitian. Some people are saying that there is more hunger/starvation right now in Haiti than any other time in the past 100 years.

We need your help more than ever. Please continue to pray and continue to give, more now than ever. The news that I hinted at on our Facebook page is that there is another girl who needs ATN's help. We are going to begin providing her with clothes, school, and food while she continues to live at home, and her picture and name will be presented soon. The needs will continue to grow and we are doing our best to keep up!

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