
We have been home since July 3, and it has been a wonderful month off so far.  I (Matt) don’t even think I realized how tired I was until I laid down in our bed for the first time.  So far, we have spent a week with my parents, a week at the beach just the 2 of us, and now we are spending a week with Jessica’s parents and extended family.  It has been wonderful catching up with everyone, and we have had a lot of rest since we have been here.  When we return to Haiti, things will be crazy again.  We will have to update our permanent residency, we will have to get the kids ready to start  new year of school, and we will have to get used to living in Haiti again.  But for now, we are just resting.  After some of the craziest months we can remember, we have been able to sleep, relax, and see our friends and family.

We just wanted to take a little time to let you know that is where we have been and what we have been doing.  We have not blogged for a while because we have been resting, and it may be another week or 2 before we blog again.  In the meantime, please continue to pray for us and for our children. There is still a lot to do and a lot of things going on at All Things New, even while we take a short break.  Please pray for our children and continue to tell your friends about them and All Things New. We are still always looking for supporters and sponsors, so if you are interested at all, please let us know.  Also, if you live in or around LaGrange, GA, we will be having a Silent Auction fundraiser on Sunday September 27, and I will be writing more about that later.  Anyway, thanks for all that you do and thank you for praying for us and our children!  Also, please continue to pray for Matt and Cara Smithson and Hope Rising as they are watching and taking care of our children while we are away.  It is such a blessing to be able to leave our children with people who love them and care for them and who will act just as we would while we are gone.  It is also a blessing to leave them with our employees who love and care for them as well.  Our children have never been safer, and we owe that to you, our supporters.

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