We Get to See Our Kids Again!

This coming Monday we are heading back down to Haiti for 5 days.  It is a very short but necessary trip.  Many of you have been praying for our kids to get into Christianville school, and that is the purpose of this trip.  To make sure that all paperwork, money, and any other logistical issue is taken care of so that when school starts the children of All Things New are attending school together.  Please continue to pray.

It is funny.  These short trips that we go on are fun, and the anticipation of seeing our kids again is a blast every time, but at the same time we cannot wait to really be down there permanently.  We understand that it is going to take time and that we need to be patient and allow the timing of our GOD and Savior to be what guides us.  However, at the same time, we know where we are supposed to be and we are ready to be there.

I am so excited to see our kids.  To play with them, to hold them, to give them their new shoes and backpacks, and most of all to ensure them of our love for them.  It is hard to be away from people that you care about, and especially from the children that GOD has put in our path to love and to nurture.  There is something different about the way that we care about these children.  When we see their faces and go through the pictures that we have taken of them, they are ours, and they need us.  They need our love and our compassion and most of all, they just need us.  They need the 2 people that GOD has placed in their life to love them unconditionally.

Here is the danger for us…That we would look so forward to getting down to Haiti to be with our kids and to start All Things New that we forget that there are people right here that GOD has placed in our life to love and to care for.  It is ok to be excited about something that is happening in the future and it is definitely ok to plan and get ready for what you know GOD has called you to do.  However, GOD’s Word is absolutely clear that we are not promised tomorrow.  Our Savior could come back any day, and how awesome would that be!  To be in the presence of our reigning Savior!  Even if Jesus does not come back tomorrow, something could happen to us, and guess what…WE WOULD STILL BE IN THE PRESENCE OF OUR SAVIOR!  What a hope, what a promise, what a blessing.  We get to be in the presence of our Savior.  So let’s make the most of our time on earth.  Let’s not look to the next thing that is happening at the expense of the people right next to us who do not know Christ!  Read this next line:

You only have right now to lead someone else to Christ!

As excited as I am to get to Haiti and be where GOD wants us to be with the people that God wants to minister to through us, I have to be that excited about right now.  There are people everyday who will leave this life without knowing their Savior, the Savior, the only GOD who saves us from our sin.  Let’s commit today to make eternity our priority, and other people’s eternity our business.


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