Year-End 2021

As 2021 comes to an end, many of us are glad to see it go! After 2 fairly difficult years, we are looking forward to 2022 as a new start, and hopefully the beginning of "normal" - whatever that means.

Looking forward, there are 3 great opportunities to partner with All Things New to get 2022 started on a great note:

1. Year-End Giving. Make sure to make your donation online or postmark your check by Friday December 31 to count on your 2021 taxes.

2. ATN 5k/1-mile Fun Run. This is going to be an awesome event and a lot of fun, so signup by clicking here, and let's run a 5k together! 

3. Annual Celebration. We are planning to do an in-person fundraiser at Deerwood Country Club again this year and we are really excited to celebrate the past 10 years of ministry in Haiti.

As we look forward to the new start, it is always important to look back as well. The past year has been especially difficult in Haiti. We have not been able to host a team in country in almost 3 years now, and things have just gotten worse. We continue to pray for things to get back to normal and for you guys to come back down with us soon.

What I want to highlight, however, is that in the midst of all of the difficulty in Haiti, our kids and our employees have been ok. Our employees have been paid, on time, and they have been able to take care of their families. Our kids have gone to school, gotten supplies, had clothes, and eaten 3 meals every day.

Those things may not seem like much to us, in fact, they may seem like bare minimum type accomplishments. I can assure you that they are not. Over the past 2 years in Haiti, people have lost everything. Their businesses, their homes, their security, and many have lost their hope.

Our kids and our employees have not. I cannot adequately communicate how great it was to have our kids call me yesterday, on my birthday, and to hear their voices and laughter as they joyfully told me "Bon Fet." They are good kids, and because of you, they still have joy and they still have hope. 

Looking back is great because looking back is to see our kids thrive. Thank you.

We look forward to even better times because we know through COVID, insecurity, riots, gas shortages, an earthquake, a Tropical Storm, and a Presidential assassination...Our kids can thrive.

When things get back to normal in Haiti, we are praying for something even greater...We are praying for the future for each of our kids, and with people like you praying for us and supporting us, we know those futures will be bright.

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