Theology Thursday (On Friday Again)
Pursue Jesus first, and let's make everything else in our life a priority only inasmuch as it leads us to the foot of the Cross! -
Theology Thursday: Hearing GOD
John 8:47 that says, "He who belongs to GOD hears what GOD says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to GOD." -
Theology Thursday: What Does It Mean To Be "Called"
When I know and belong to Jesus, I will know His voice; when I know His voice, I will hear Him when He calls; if I hear Him when He calls, that is the definition of a "calling." It all starts with a relationship with Him, let's not skip that part! -
Theology Thursday: Fatherhood
Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. -
Theology Thursday: When GOD Does Not Fit Our Life
Let's stop trying to fit GOD into our plan, our goals, and our life because, in all honesty, He is not going to fit! -
Theology Thursday: Prayer (In Your Personal Life)
"I will search and stop at nothing, You're just not that hard to find." -
Theology Thursday: Prayer In The Church
But I want to call our attention to the way that prayer is viewed in the Old Testament, by Jesus, and by the church and I want us to ask ourselves:
Does my church view prayer in that same way?
Theology Thursday: Joy in Christ
My challenge is for all of us to live joyfully. My challenge is for us (me included) to not live defeated, to not live in opposition to those we disagree with, and to live our lives like we are in the presence of GOD...Because we are His sons and daughters right now and eventually we will be in His Presence...Forever. -
Theology Thursday: Can Helping Hurt?
I am reminded of the 2010 earthquake where billions (yes, "billions" with a "b") of dollars were raised for the relief effort. A short 12 years later, another earthquake hits and the country is in even worse shape than it was prior to 2010. -
Theology Thursday: Grief
Grief can come from a lot of places. When we lose a job, a marriage, or a prized possession we can be filled with grief. However, for most of us, we tie the most extreme forms of grief with one word: "Death." When we lose someone that we love, we naturally grieve. -
Theology Thursday: Theology of Grief
What people who are grieving need is your presence so that they know someone cares. No matter how uncomfortable or how useless you feel, your presence is needed. When people are hurting and grieving, Jesus is there. He allows them to yell, to cry, to get angry, or any other emotion they want and He never leaves them. He comforts by being there...That is how we should comfort as well. -
Theology Thursday: Comparing Yourself To Christ
A culture marked by humility does just the opposite. It puts other people above ourselves while still calling out sin. It exalts Jesus as the Name above every name. It loves those who are different and those who are the same. It sees everyone as an image-bearer of GOD, and no matter their beliefs, orientation, or political affiliation it treats them as such.
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