
  • Living in the Tension

    Don’t forget our 100 for $100 campaign.  We are getting close, just click the “donate” button to help us reach our goal! Have you ever thought about or noticed the tension involved in living a life for Christ.  You have phrases like “hate the sin, love the sinner” or beliefs like the trinity where GOD […]
  • Father’s Day and Orphan Care

    Don’t forget our 100 for $100 summer campaign. We are trying to get 100 (or more) people to donate $100 to help us get through this time of not bringing teams down. I had an awesome Father’s Day here in America.  We got up and had my favorite breakfast (blueberry and strawberry muffins), played with […]
  • A New Travel Advisory and Ongoing Protests

    Before I get started, I wanted to make sure you have the chance to give towards our 100 for $100 campaign.  If you can give more or less than $100, that’s ok, but our goal is to get 100 donors to join us!  As many of you know, we were not able to bring teams […]
  • An Update on the Unrest

    Probably more than any other question that I get concerning Haiti right now, especially from those of you who are familiar with and keep up with All Things New, is “How is Haiti?”  I know this question is in regards to the recent unrest that I have been writing about, and that you are really […]
  • Misthafa’s Future

    Today we are continuing our “Future’s Series” where we talk about each of our kids and what they hope for their future.  A few months ago, Jess and I sat down with each kid and just talked to them about what they wanted for their lives.  Of course some of them took it more seriously […]
  • Son Son’s Future

    Today we are getting back to our “Futures” blog.  As you may recall, in 2018, we sat down with each of our kids to talk about their future with them.  We asked what they wanted their lives to look like, what career most interests them, and gave them a chance to talk about their future […]
  • The Level 4 Travel Advisory in Haiti

    I mentioned in the last post that we have had to cancel all of our teams starting in February of 2019 and we are not accepting new teams right now either.  The last blog explains why, but the truth is that no organizations (other than medical orgs who need doctors) should be accepting short term […]
  • Why We Canceled Our Groups

    Many of you keep up with All Things New through our blog, our Facebook page, or our email communications and Newsletter.  Because of this, you have probably read about some of the issues that Haiti has been facing over the past few months.  I am not going to recap everything that has been going on. […]
  • Tony’s Future

    Please continue to help us make our time in the states productive!  Our goal is to get in front of as many people as possible while we are here, so if you are a part of a group that is looking for a guest speaker or would like more information about All Things New, please […]
  • The Joy of Easter and the Love of GOD

    Happy Easter.  The day that we celebrate the only thing that could have possibly saved us from our sin…A Savior.  The Son of GOD.  The fulfillment of every prophecy and the only perfect sacrifice.  The GOD of the universe who became human and died on the Cross for the glory of God the Father and […]
  • Moto Shopping with Shinaider!

    If you missed our most recent blog, please click here to learn how to help us make these next few months a success for All Things New.  We are really trying to expand the scope of what we do and to do that we need to expand our base of people like you! Working in […]
  • Help ATN this Spring and Summer!

    One of the best ways that you can help us over the next few months while the Bush family spends some time in the states is to help us spread the word about All Things New!  While I (Matt) will be splitting my time between Haiti and America, it will leave us a lot of […]