I have been in Haiti for the past 4 days. I arrived Thursday at about 2 and arrived at All Things New at around 5. There were scheduled manifestations on Friday, but only a couple of small things ever materialized. In fact, it has been pretty much business as usual since I have been here […]
I will be heading back down to Haiti soon, and we would love for you to pray for us. I will only be gone for about 10 days, but it is always difficult leaving your family behind. On top of that, things in Haiti could turn at any moment, so please pray for continued peace […]
We will continue to keep you up to date on what is going on in Haiti and what is going on with our family, but I also want to keep you up to date on how the ministry of All Things New is progressing. We have a lot of exciting things going on, but our […]
Before I give an update about what is currently going on in Haiti, I wanted to let you know 2 things: The Fundraiser this past Friday night was incredible! Thank you to everyone who had any part in making this event a success. We gained 12 new sponsors and had a wonderful night updating everyone […]
Before I start this blog, please click here to register for our Fundraiser, A Taste of Haiti, this coming Friday night at Deerwood Country Club starting at 6:30! This past Sunday, we arrived back in America. Normally this would not be a big deal because we come back and forth from Haiti pretty regularly. However, […]
For 10 straight days an extremely large group of people succeeded in having Haiti on an entire lock down. By this I mean we did not leave our homes. Vehicles did not move, banks and government offices did not open, markets stayed shut down, and schools remained closed. I have already heard it being called […]
Today is Day 10 of the manifestations and I have no idea how or when this is going to end. The President spoke a couple of days ago and about 10 minutes later the US raised the travel advisory to a level 4 (the highest possible) which means, “Do Not Travel to Haiti.” The people […]
First of all, I want to apologize if it seems like all we can write about is the riots here. It is true, that is all we are talking about but that is because it is consuming everything about our lives and ministry right now. In fact, right now, we are trying to figure out […]
Hopefully if you are reading this you have been keeping up with what is going on in Haiti right now. To catch up, read Matt’s 2 most recent blogs by clicking the links (Blog 1 Blog 2) A lot of people have been asking me if I’m scared or worried with everything going on and […]
Until March 2 (the event is March 1 at Deerwood Country Club), I am going to start every blog with an invitation to learn more about our Jacksonville Fundraiser “A Taste of Haiti.” This event is very important for All Things New every year, and especially this year as we begin some new initiatives. If […]
Until March 2 (the event is March 1 at Deerwood Country Club), I am going to start every blog with an invitation to learn more about our Jacksonville Fundraiser “A Taste of Haiti.” This event is very important for All Things New every year, and especially this year as we begin some new initiatives. If […]
`Before I talk about our Christmas party this past Saturday, it is important for me to remind everyone reading this of our Jacksonville Fundraiser coming up on Friday March 1. This is going to be a really good event this year at the Deerwood Country Club, and I hope that everyone reading this in Jacksonville […]