Getting older means a lot of different things to people depending on their culture, their situation in life, and their belief about what happens to them after they die. After my birthday a couple of days ago, I started thinking about the role our age plays in our lives. I remember the first time I […]
And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great […]
It has been a while since the last All Things New blog, but there has been a lot going on lately both personally and with ATN. Recently, however, I found myself contemplating about how different December 2017 has been and will continue to be compared to December 2016. The key word is “different” and not […]
Throughout the month of November, you probably remember, we made a push for our supporters to take part in Giving Tuesday. It was a great day for All Things New and we are still trying to figure out how much money we were able to raise through Facebook (we will report soon). Now, we have […]
I want to start this blog off by saying thank you so much to everyone who helped us make Giving Tuesday a huge success for All Things New this year. I was hoping by now we would have learned exactly how much of the giving on that Tuesday will be matched, but we have not […]
We got back from Haiti about 4:00pm yesterday afternoon. As I went through the rest of the day and as I’ve gone through today all I can think about is how different life is just 24 hours later. So I thought I’d write down a few of the huge differences. Yesterday we heated water for […]
GIVING TUESDAY IS 1 WEEK FROM TODAY! On Giving Tuesday, Nov. 28, every dollar raised by nonprofits through Facebook will be matched by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. What a great opportunity for anyone associated with All Things New to make a big difference in our organization as the end of the year is […]
I want to start out by saying thank you to everyone who helped us get the word out about Orphan Sunday yesterday. So many people shared our posts and I know that many of you were passionate about raising awareness of the Global Orphan Crisis. I also greatly appreciate everyone who gave to our GoFundMe […]
A few months ago, we wrote a very difficult blog about Samara and how she ended up back with us at the orphanage. Unfortunately, we have to write a very similar blog today about Heworlson. When we brought the kids out of their old home and into Hope Rising back in April 2015, Heworlson was one […]
From time to time I come up with ideas for inventions that I think might work and help people in certain ways. Usually, I share those “inventions” with Jessica and then forget about them a few minutes later and never really think of them again (until a few weeks later when I usually have the […]
This Sunday, November 12, has been set aside this year as Orphan Sunday. For the past few years, one Sunday in November (usually the first or second) has been recognized as a day to bring awareness to the global orphan crisis. Children who have lost their parents, who live in an orphanage, and/or live in […]
Having Sophie’s birthday for the second time, in a different country, this time on her actual birthday, got me thinking about how different things are now that we live in 2 countries. The truth is, living in 2 places (here and Jacksonville) can present some unique challenges but it can also bless us with some […]