
  • Buying Shoes in the Market

    Buying shoes in the market before school each year is kind of an All Things New tradition now for Lener, myself and the older kids.  If you want to read the stories from the past 2 years, just click here and click here.  We used to have sponsors send down shoes, but then we realized […]
  • Back in Haiti

    By the time I actually get to post this (we have been having some internet issues) we will have probably been back in Haiti for 5 days.  Life here is so different than life in America and for so many different reasons.  In the short time we have been back it seems like we have […]
  • Haiti Update

    Before we travel back on Sunday, I wanted to give you an update on the political and social environment in Haiti right now based on the unrest that occurred at the beginning of July.  If you recall, the government raised gas prices by close to 50%, the population rioted in the streets, 22 hours later […]
  • The Greater Good or The Really Average

    A few years ago, I posted a blog similar to this one and about the same topic, but it is something that often is on my mind in regards to All Things New.  We are still planning to write an update blog on each of our kids and talk about what they want for their future […]
  • From Vacation to Haiti

    We are officially back from vacation and getting ready to head back down to Haiti.  It was a great week on the beach with just the 4 of us as we relaxed, played together, and just spent some time doing nothing.  Today’s blog is just a general update about what is going on with All […]
  • Our Need for the Holy Spirit

    We are just 2 days away from our family vacation this summer, and we cannot wait.  We are going to spend a week at the beach with just the 4 of us (we are praying that this will be the last time we do anything as a family of 4 and Ezekyal will be with us […]
  • An Update on Haiti

    I am not sure how many of you who are reading this keep up with Haitian news but with the way things are in Haiti right now, I feel like it is important to continue to update you on changing events.  If you missed our last couple of blogs and want to learn some background […]
  • Unrest in Haiti Part 2

    If you missed our last blog, please click here to read a short description of what caused the unrest and some of the underlying issues that will make this situation complicated moving forward.  I want to start out with the most important update about what is going on there and that is that things seem […]
  • Unrest in Haiti

    As many of you already know either from watching the news or seeing the post on the All Things New Facebook page, there is major unrest going on in Haiti even as I type this.  This is n0t the normal unrest that happens frequently in Haiti, this is the type of unrest that can do […]
  • Being in America on July 4

    As everyone reading this blog probably knows, we celebrated Independence Day this past Wednesday here in America.  I would venture to say that a large portion of those reading this either watched fireworks, attended a cookout, and/or spent some time at a pool or beach in celebration of our Independence.  We probably heard phrases like […]
  • I’m (Culture) Shocked!

    Culture Shock is defined as a feeling of anxiety, loneliness, and confusion that people sometimes experience when they first arrive in another country.  We have been back from Haiti for 2 weeks as of today and while we often experience culture shock upon arriving in Haiti, I have felt it very much the last couple […]
  • Back to America for the Summer

    There are so many things that I could write about in regards to us leaving this coming Thursday to spend a couple of weeks in America.  I could write about how crazy the next couple of days will be and how much we need you guys to cover us in prayer both as a ministry […]