
  • Teaching Kids to Serve

    Have you ever noticed how difficult it can be to teach children what it means to serve other people.  The moment we are born we immediately begin to do whatever we can to make sure our own needs are covered and that mindset can very easily mark our entire lives.  It is true that some […]
  • A Beautiful Day We Will Never Forget

    Our kids live on a Caribbean island and haven’t been to the beach in almost 3 years.  We haven’t had reliable transportation but have been promising them as soon as we got a new truck we would go.  So this past Saturday we loaded 30 kids, 18 employees, and 6 Americans  up in 4 different […]
  • Church Partnerships

    Almost 2 years ago now, when Hurricane Matthew made landfall just a few miles from All Things New, something incredible happened to our ministry and our family.  We could feel the prayers of GOD’s people and our supporters in a way that is very difficult to explain unless you were able to experience what it […]
  • A Baby Behind the Scenes

    Whenever we are in Haiti there are always about 20 things going on at a time.  It ranges from meetings with people, kids being punished, kids being praised, school events, employee issues, people needing help, a 1 and 2-year-old running around in the misdt of it, and a variety of other things that pop up […]
  • Haitian Flag Day Posts

    This is the second story that I wanted to share with you guys based on the blog from a few days ago and it has to do with Haitian Flag Day.  If you follow the All Things New Facebook page (which you should if you don’t because we are only 18 likes away from 3,000) […]
  • Whitesville Road Elementary 5th Grade

    If you read the previous blog, you know that I am going to tell 4 stories of things that have happened behind the scenes here at All Things New recently, and today I want to tell you about an awesome 5th grade class at Whitesville Road Elementary School in LaGrange, GA.  This class of 5th […]
  • Playing FIFA (Xbox) with the Boys

    Last week was a busy one at All Things New, and I want to share a little bit about what we have been doing lately.  Also, starting tomorrow, I want to tell 4 stories of things that have happened behind the scenes for ATN over the past couple of weeks.  I could tell 100 more, but […]
  • Remembering Your Face

    The title of the blog today may seem kind of strange, but I think you will understand why it is relevant to the content.  You see, James 1:22-25 is what we read and talked about last night at service, and it contains a very interesting simile (I’m pretty sure it is a simile because it […]
  • Buying Our New Truck!

    If you follow us on Facebook (if you don’t, you should by clicking here) then you have probably already seen pictures of our brand new truck.  We purchased a blue Kia flatbed 4×4 this past Friday from a dealership in Port Au Prince and it is such a blessing.  You may have read our previous […]
  • A Busy Week

    I’m a day late for the blog series I was calling “Teaching Tuesday” but it has been an exceptionally busy week here at All Things New.  I will hit the highlights of the week and then I will move on to what GOD has been showing me recently. Rain, rain, rain.  It has been raining […]
  • Meet Babyson

    Today it is our pleasure to introduce to you the newest member of All Things New…Meet Bibedson!  Bibedson is 8 years old and he was definitely a surprise addition!  In this post today, I am going to try and tell you how he came to live with us, a little bit about his background, and […]
  • Truck Update: The Funds are Raised!

    As of April 30, we had $19,000 in our truck fund, as of May 1, we have all $30,000!  We had an anonymous donor in Georgia who very generously donated the remaining funds.  We are so thankful to everyone who gave, shared, prayed, and anything else that you did to help us reach our goal. […]