How Did Haiti End Up In This Mess?
My friend Lener sent me a message yesterday that simply said, "Matt the life is very difficult in haiti without Jesus, only Jesus who can protect us. Please pray for us." -
Gang Violence, Covid, and a Cancelled Constitutional Referendum
But also, in the midst of that, pray for our kids to not let these things define who they are. For them to rise above the incredible negative things that have happened in their country over the past few weeks, months, and years, and for them to be more than conquerors. For them to work and for us to help them in whatever way we can become the men and women they were created to be. -
Theology Thursday: Living For Something Bigger
So I have to ask myself, why can my wife, my children, my family, my job, and my days change my life completely when anything out of the ordinary happens, but I want my GOD to just be there and let me live a normal life without too much interference from Him? -
Flag Day and Memorial Day
Flag Day in Haiti is a very uniquely Haitian thing. It is, honestly, one of the best days (Christmas and Easter would qualify as well) to be in Haiti because of the celebration that goes on. There are parades everywhere, everyone dresses in red, and there is a sense of excitement that rivals an international soccer match. Our kids love it and we celebrate it every year at All Things New. Every year they want to go into Gressier to be a part of the parades, and every year (except for the last 2, and they didn't even ask) we let them go. -
Theology Thursday: What Is Freedom?
So how do I exercise this life-changing, strength-giving, world-altering freedom? -
"Oasis of Hope" Continues On
While we are waiting for Haiti to be safe enough to bring you back down to us...Let us bring Haiti and All Things New to you! -
What Ezekyal Taught Me About Prayer
What a profound thought, right? If you say you are going to pray for someone that you actually do it -
Fighting The Wrong Battle
Let's stop pouring our lives into the battles that mean absolutely nothing and turn to the GOD who saved us. Let's please stop teaching our children that the school, the baseball field, the office, or the football stadium is more important than the ground at the foot of the cross. Let's figure out how to spend more time there and less time on things that don't matter. -
Oasis of Hope
Very, very few of us have ever had to truly live in "survival mode" for any extended period of time. The type of "survival mode" where you have no idea how you are going to eat, where you are going to live, and how you are going to change your situation. Every single one of the 22 children at All Things New along with the other 10 that we take care of have been there and lived that. They have known what it means to struggle to survive. -
Convincing Ourselves That Prayer Is Powerful
1. You cannot have a strong and spiritually growing church without focused and consistent corporate prayer.
2. You cannot be growing in your relationship with Jesus without prayer being a big part of your life.
3. There are a lot of Christians who attend churches with an almost nonexistent emphasis on prayer and who live their lives spending shockingly little time in prayer.
Theology Thursday: Creation
My challenge for myself and anyone else reading this is simple...Take the time to feel small. Take the time to purposefully take in GOD's creation even if it is as simple as standing on your front porch and looking to the sky. It is so easy for us to be the center of our own universe, but that quickly goes away when you realize just how small we are and just how great GOD is. This realization should drive us to our knees in worship to our Great GOD. -
Theology Thursday: Unity in Christ
GOD needs unity that comes from fellowship...See the Trinity. For us to think that we do not need that same type of unity with Christ and other believers is not only ignorant but it is also arrogant and unBiblical, and those are 3 traits that I do not want to have.
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