The Future of All Things New
There are a lot of things to discuss as far as the future of All Things New is concerned. Our biggest initial concern is figuring out how to live i... -
The New Plan...Moving Our Kids to Ti Goave
The bottom line for now...Pray and Give if you have the capability to help us through this time of moving from Gressier to Ti Goave. -
Update: Haiti, All Things New, and the Bush Family
It has been about a month since the last time we wrote to update you on what is going on in Haiti, and there is a good reason for that...Not much has changed.
Fleeing Gressier...Again
Our kids continue to be taken care of, and that is thanks to you. Having 3 meals every day and a somewhat safe place to live is definitely not the norm in Haiti right now. It is a war zone, and the average person in Haiti is suffering in ways that have not been well communicated at all. Please continue to pray! -
When Things Get Difficult
Over the past few years, our kids have missed massive amounts of school, they have lost our presence in Haiti, many of their friends have evacuated and may not come back, the hope of job creation that we started in 2019 has become a distant memory, and they have seen their country fall into a chaos that cannot be accurately described. -
Bank Account/Haiti Update
As most of you know, you can Click Here if you missed the last blog, the All Things New checking account was hacked and almost wiped out. -
Gangs Move Into Gressier: ATN Evacuated
The Haiti population lives in constant fear while material assets deplete very quickly. -
A Huge Blessing At A Wonderful Fundraiser
We have incredible people behind our ministry, and we are so blessed by that. Please keep praying and we will keep updating you on how things are day that update will include a trip back down to Haiti...Hopefully sooner than later. -
What's Going On In Haiti Now
By now you have probably seen Haiti in the news quite a bit and not for anything good. Gangs have taken over the capitol almost completely at this ... -
Prison Breaks, Taking Over The Airport, and More
Please do not get tired of praying for Haiti and our kids...We need people like you to step up in this way more than ever. -
U.S. Embassy: Americans Should Leave 'As Soon As Possible"
We need your help more than ever. Please continue to pray and continue to give, more now than ever. The news that I hinted at on our Facebook page is that there is another girl who needs ATN's help. -
What In The World Is Going On In Haiti?
- Gang Wars
- A New Travel Advisory
- A Nurse From New Hampshire And Her Daughter Kidnapped
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