
  • Orphan Sunday is Today...'What If GOD Never Adopted You?'

    The most important thing you can ever know about Orphan Sunday is that you have a GOD who wants you to be His child.
  • Eating 3 Meals...Everyday

    On the other hand, every single one of our kids in Haiti have felt that and most of them, other than maybe 1 or 2 who are too young, can remember feeling this type of hunger. They all know of people who either have or do feel that type of hunger.
  • Flooding in Gressier/Leogane

    So far there have been 42 reported deaths, 85 reported injuries, and thousands of people displaced and looking for somewhere new to live, but the actual numbers are almost definitely higher than what will ever be reported.
  • An Old Memory From Haiti

    In the meantime I learned that we are where we are for a reason, and because GOD has us here for a reason, because He loves you, and because you probably will not be there for the rest of your life, enjoy it while you can.
  • Living With A Calling

    I am called to every child that is hurting, every person who does not know Jesus, to serve any church of which I am a part, to do my best at whatever job I am in, to give my money away anyone who needs it, and to pursue every single calling I have on my life from the Bible and from Jesus no matter how I am feeling.
  • Called To Something Greater

    My prayer is that my joy is always found in my relationship with GOD so that I am truly joyful every single day of my life
  • Waiting On God

    Do I always live this way? No. But what I do remember is that Waiting on God is an active thing. While GOD is preparing us for something new, He is also calling us to live for Him right now because the days are evil and tomorrow is not promised to us.
  • ATN's 2022 In Review

    Gangs took control of the country, kidnapping for ransom was commonplace for Haitians and foreigners alike, schools opened only sporadically, thousands of peel in Port Au Prince were displaced, there is no functioning government, only a handful of elected officials, and no timetable for things to get better.
  • Thank You!

    All Things New, our kids, and our employees are beyond blessed by your prayers, your support, and your giving. 
  • Giving Tuesday 2022!

    If you give through any Facebook Fundraiser connected to All Things New tomorrow at 8:00 am sharp, there is a good chance that your donation will be matched!
  • More Than Inflation: A Description of Rising Costs In Haiti

    The price of most of these things, staples of the Haitian economy, are almost completely out of reach for the average Haitian. It is costing us almost double this year for a trip to the market than it did in 2021.
  • ATN Update!

    As you know, things in Haiti have been crazy. We have continued to keep you fairly updated on the goings-on in the country, but we have talked less...