We go back to Haiti early Friday morning, and we can’t wait. It has been a great time back in the states for the last month, and we have done a lot of things that we needed and wanted to do. I just wanted to take some time to recap our time here and to […]
A little while ago I bought a daily Bible Study book about prayer because I wanted some help with that part of my relationship with Christ. It was a guy whose works I have read before, and while I don’t usually use books like this, it was something that I needed at the time. It […]
We have recently gone through a very subtle but very necessary and important transition at All Things New. I want to first describe what we have accomplished, why we have accomplished it, and how it is different than what we thought we were going to do when we started All Things New 2 years ago. […]
I (Matt) wanted to share with you an interesting experience I had yesterday. I need to preface this post with the fact that recently I had a crown fall out and I was having some pain in 2 of my teeth for the past few weeks. So, I decided to set an appointment at the […]
It has been so great having a team down with us for the past week, and we have done some incredible things. We built a new building for our security guard to sit to stay out of the elements, we went to church with the kids, we brought the kids new school shoes, and we […]
While the title might speak for itself, we wanted to update everyone on some awesome news…We received each of our kids’ report cards for the first half of the year and they are almost all passing! This is an incredible answer to prayer, and those of you who have been following us for a while […]
I am writing this from Haiti rather than from America like I initially thought. We are trying to catch back up on blogging after taking almost a full month break in December (which was worth it) as we tried to spend time with family, catch up with friends, and do some fundraising around the end […]
10. The Kids – Imagine leaving your kids in another country for a month at a time. Lack of Consumerism – I love that we can just be here. We don’t feel the need to rush to the store and buy things. We are constantly bombarded with advertisements and discussions about the next biggest […]
Matt and I were talking the day we traveled back to Haiti and thought it might make a fun blog so here goes. We traveled back last Saturday, January 3. I woke up at 3:00am making sure to give myself plenty of time to take the last hot shower for quite a while. Matt got […]
I was listening to a sermon recently that focused on the idea of worldwide poverty, and I wanted to talk about what poverty looks like. It is so hard to describe poverty if you have never seen it firsthand, if you have never smelled it, or have never known people who lived in it. It […]
I decided, after hearing Jess’ idea, that I would write my list of things I miss as well. Some of the things are similar and some of them are quite different, but it was pretty fun to write. We will also both write the “Top 10 Things I Miss About Haiti” when we are back […]
10. Publix: specifically I miss Publix. I miss the ability to jump in my car and not have to drive at least 30 minutes (on a good day) in smog filled traffic, scared to death we will get in an accident only to arrive at the grocery store and not be able to find the […]