This year, Facebook will again be matching all donations beginning at 8:00am eastern time, so...Please do not miss out on this matching funds opportunity!
But, how do you plan for the future when the present is complete chaos? How do you plan for the future when you can only get past the day with the resources you have? How do you plan for the future when nothing is guaranteed and everything around you seems to be in disarray?
When I know and belong to Jesus, I will know His voice; when I know His voice, I will hear Him when He calls; if I hear Him when He calls, that is the definition of a "calling." It all starts with a relationship with Him, let's not skip that part!
This is a clear escalation of things in Haiti. There have been about 628 reported kidnappings in Haiti (many also go unreported) in 2021 which is a crazy number in itself. Inthe past, American citizens have been left alone for fear of the American government intervening and the gangs and corrupt officials in Haiti fear this. That fear seems to be gone, and that is not a good thing.
It takes me about a week back home in America to get back to eliminating as many uncertainties and variables that I can. My goal now is to focus on GOD and to rely on Him no matter what is happening and no matter how uncertain things may seem.
It is simple...I love these kids. No matter where they might live or how difficult things might be, I want to do whatever I can to make sure they have a future. To make sure they become the men and women GOD has called them to be. Fatigue is easy to stave off if we remember why we do what we do, and that reason has been, is, and always will be our kids.