
  • Why Is Adoption So Hard?

    These are just a few of the reasons that adoption is really hard. It Should Be! You're not buying a hamster or giving home to a dog. You are committing the rest of your life, your finances, and your love to another human that you are completely responsible for.
  • Adoption: Desire vs. Cost

    Before we adopted Sophie, however, our desire to adopt met the cost of adoption.
  • Being Wanted

    We are not only wanted...We are loved, we are cared for, we are adopted!
  • Ezekyal is a Bush!

    Adoption is a beautiful example/reminder of what GOD has done for us.
  • When You Glue Yourself To A Basketball Court

    The power that raised Jesus from the dead is the same power that lives in you TODAY!
  • Living 'In The Light'

    There are some Bible verses and passages that really hit you, oftentimes when you are not expecting it and even if you have read them hundreds of t...
  • VBS Missions

    We would love the opportunity to pour into your children's ministry in that way if that is something that you are interested in
  • Theology Thursday (On Friday Again)

    Pursue Jesus first, and let's make everything else in our life a priority only inasmuch as it leads us to the foot of the Cross!
  • When Things Change

    Over the past few years, the ministry of All Things New has changed dramatically, and change can be a very scary and difficult thing to navigate. The truth is that change is necessary for any organization and ministry, but the type of change that has occurred for everyone over the past 2 years is unprecedented.
  • A Wonderful Fundraiser!

    With that said, thank you to everyone who worked really hard to pull this off and thank you to everyone who gave up their Friday night to be there and support All Things New!
  • Auction Item: My Mountain Paradise

  • Romantic St. Augustine Getaway

    You Can Bid On This Item Even If You Cannot Attend The Event!