
  • What If Part 2: Finding a Job

    What if you were looking for a job in Haiti right now?
  • Part 1: "What If" Your Child Was Starting School In Haiti

    It would be different simply because by GOD's grace you were born in America and by that same grace of GOD, other people were born in Haiti.
  • What If

    Over the next few weeks I am going to start a blog series called "What If" to look into some different issues that people in Haiti run into and that we as Americans never even consider.
  • School Supplies Needed!

    Giving towards school supplies is a way to impact their future and give them something that not many people in Haiti have the privilege to receive...An Education!
  • Earning The Right To Speak

    One of the biggest problems for people today is that we no longer have to earn the right to speak. With the advent of social media, if you are simp...
  • What is Freedom?

    The freedom that Christ gives flies in the face of sin, oppression, and uncertainty. His freedom is not an idea that can be taken from us because of what we do, it is a gift from Him that is there no matter what.
  • What is Freedom?

    "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free." - Galatians 5:1 The idea of "freedom" is a tricky one. The truth is, our ability to comprehend tru...
  • What is Freedom?

    "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free." - Galatians 5:1 The idea of "freedom" is a tricky one. The truth is, our ability to comprehend tru...
  • What Is A Miracle?

    Every person that we will ever see or speak with is a miracle that was planned by GOD from the beginning, and that is exactly how we should treat them.
  • Missing Haiti

    Please join us in prayer and ask GOD to bless the country and help us to know how to continue to move forward in our ministry in a country that makes that very difficult.
  • Thank You Ross Hughes & Associates!

    Thank You Heather, Thank You Shannon, and Thank you Ross Hughes & Associates!
  • The Beauty of Adoption

    It absolutely does mean that I teach him, show him, and help him experience Jesus for who He is at the expense of everything else in my life.