
  • Changes at All Things New!

     2. Share our Posts on social media and ask your friends/family to help us out and give! Click Here to go to our Facebook Page and share the latest post.
  • In The New Home!

    We know things are hard in Haiti, and it would be hard for me to express the frustration and sadness I have felt over the past few years. I know that many of you who love ATN and our kids feel it too. The only thing I can say about that is that we are making a difference, our kids are going to come out of this ready to live incredible lives, and we are so thankful that each of you have joined us on this journey.
  • We are Moving!

    The final thing I wanted to share is that 4 of our house Moms, we have found out, were greatly effected by the flooding in Haiti that killed dozens in our area. There homes, while not destroyed, are damaged and they each need some work to make them livable again.
  • Flooding in Gressier/Leogane

    So far there have been 42 reported deaths, 85 reported injuries, and thousands of people displaced and looking for somewhere new to live, but the actual numbers are almost definitely higher than what will ever be reported.
  • An Old Memory From Haiti

    In the meantime I learned that we are where we are for a reason, and because GOD has us here for a reason, because He loves you, and because you probably will not be there for the rest of your life, enjoy it while you can.
  • Living With A Calling

    I am called to every child that is hurting, every person who does not know Jesus, to serve any church of which I am a part, to do my best at whatever job I am in, to give my money away anyone who needs it, and to pursue every single calling I have on my life from the Bible and from Jesus no matter how I am feeling.
  • Talking To The Kids

    I hope, rather than taking this as a rant, you take this as a call to change. A call to be different. A call to live a life focused on living for other people no matter what.
  • Vigilante Justice in Haiti?

    What will it take to create functioning state institutions in Haiti rather than centers of greed and corruption that do nothing more than perpetuate violence and evil?
  • Called To Something Greater

    My prayer is that my joy is always found in my relationship with GOD so that I am truly joyful every single day of my life
  • Gangs in Haiti Move North, Attack Cabaret

    Last week, I wrote about living each day to the fullest for GOD, and in that sense there is always a part of us that should consider every moment that we have is a blessing.

    For our friends in Cabaret, our brothers and sisters in Haiti, and our kids and employees at All Things New, that reality is how they live every single day.

  • Waiting On God

    Do I always live this way? No. But what I do remember is that Waiting on God is an active thing. While GOD is preparing us for something new, He is also calling us to live for Him right now because the days are evil and tomorrow is not promised to us.
  • I Miss Haiti - Jessica's Latest Blog

    I miss Haiti.