The Importance of Giving Tuesday 2023
Here are the ways you can help All Things New on Giving Tuesday:
1. Give
2. Create a Facebook Fundraiser
Orphan Sunday is Today...'What If GOD Never Adopted You?'
The most important thing you can ever know about Orphan Sunday is that you have a GOD who wants you to be His child. -
Orphan Sunday 'What If...We Never Met Ezekyal'
Sometimes, it is not even saying "no," it can also be just not listening and just living life like we have always lived. We may not be saying "no" to GOD because we are not really saying anything to Him. My challenge to all of us, including myself, is to pray, listen, and be ready to say "yes" no matter what the question is... -
Orphan Sunday 'What If...All Things New Did Not Exist?'
What if we had not prayed and just made the easy decision? What if we never moved to Haiti? What if you guys had never partnered with us to change the lives of so many kids and families in Gressier, Haiti? -
Orphan Sunday: Nov. 12
There are millions of children in the world just like Ezekyal who cry, and nobody ever comes. Who need protection and help and nobody ever wraps their arms around them. Who cry out in the night, and nobody scoots them over in their bed lies down next to them, and tells them everything is ok. -
Update On The Kids and Employees!
The more I talk to our employees, the more I can see what your support has done for them and their families and their extended families. For many of them, they are the only people in their whole family or even their entire area that have jobs and make enough money to eat. They are able to provide food for their entire family and in many cases extended family and friends. -
What Does It Mean To Be Called By God?
The bottom line is, let's stop pretending like we don't know what GOD wants us to do. Let's call it what it is...We know exactly what it means to be called by GOD, we are just too busy with things that absolutely do not matter at all to be consumed by the one thing that does. -
9/11: Bouncing Back From a Tragedy
Also thank GOD that we are still able to take care of our kids! It is such an incredible testimony to all of you that we can do that. -
U.S. Embassy: Americans Should Leave 'As Soon As Possible"
We need your help more than ever. Please continue to pray and continue to give, more now than ever. The news that I hinted at on our Facebook page is that there is another girl who needs ATN's help. -
2 High School Graduates!
Yolmenda and Herbison have finished their classical schooling, and pending the results of their exams they will be graduating from High School! -
What In The World Is Going On In Haiti?
- Gang Wars
- A New Travel Advisory
- A Nurse From New Hampshire And Her Daughter Kidnapped
Eating 3 Meals...Everyday
On the other hand, every single one of our kids in Haiti have felt that and most of them, other than maybe 1 or 2 who are too young, can remember feeling this type of hunger. They all know of people who either have or do feel that type of hunger.
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